And as for me, I shall not scruple to confess, that I could have been well enough contented Mr.
And it somewhat added to my wonder, that a Writer of Politicks should causelesly and needlesly, for ought I can learn, fall upon a Society, whereof, besides many other Per∣sons of Quality and men of Parts, his own great Patron, and my highly Honour'd and Learned Friend, The Earl of Devon∣shire himself, is an Illustrious Member. Ward, Tacquet, and Mo∣ranus (Men much too famous to be despicable Adversaries) having a good while since professedly and unchalleng'd writ∣ten against him, he hath yet, the whole Discourses of some, and so great a part of the Objections of the others, to reply to. Hobbs, whom if my Books have at all mentioned, it has been with respect, should fall upon a person that had not provoked him, whilst such Mathematicians as Dr. I confesse I was somewhat surpriz'd to find that Mr. Pleased to censure, do all along declare. For having cursorily pass'd through it, I readily found, that though I be not expresly nam'd there, and though some things in the Title-page, and some others in the Book it self, seem to make the chief Design of it to be the Disparagement of the Society that is wont to meet at Gresham College yet the Arguments are for the most part levelled at some Writings of mine, pu∣blished some of them the year before, and some of them this last Spring As the Experiments, whose Explications he is Hobbs, and intituled Dialogus Physicus De Natura Aeris The Name of the Au∣thor, the Subject of the Book, and the Information I had a good while before received from his Friends that he was writing against me, invited me to peruse it as a Discourse wherein I might probably find my self concern'd: nor was I deceived in my Expectation. MEeting the other day with a Treatise then newly publisht by Mr. The Occasion and Scope of the present Treatise.